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Selectmen's Minutes June 3, 2003
Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 3, 2003    

PRESENT: Chairman David Colbert, Selectman Richard DeBold, Selectman Spook Arey, and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.

PUBLIC HEARING:  Discretionary Preservation Easements

 Chairman Colbert opened the Public Hearing at 7:00pm.

PRESENT: Applicants; Mr. & Mrs. Gary Schreier and Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Jones along with 15 residents.


Chairman Colbert explained the reason for the hearing was due applications received for this new easement.  A Discretionary Preservation Easement means a preservation easement of an historical agricultural structure, including the land necessary for the function of the building, granted to a city or town for a term of ten or more years.(RSA 79-D:2). It allows for a discount on assessed value for the barn, with the intent for the homeowner to put the tax dollar savings back into the barn for renovations.

Chairman Colbert gave the floor to Ms. Lewy, assessor from Avitar Associates who gave an overview of the new law and shared her findings from her and Lisa’s site visits of the barns.  The law is less than a year old and is very vague, creating a lot of unanswered questions. The board of selectmen will be responsible for setting specific guidelines for the easement itself and establishing a value range for the easement.

Chairman Colbert then gave the floor to Mr. Schreier to allow him to explain to the body his reasons for applying.  The Schreier barn is known as a suspension barn or “hung barn”, built in the 1870’s, is approximately 100 x 40 in size, the barn is part of the scenic beauty of northern Chichester and Pleasant Street.  There are ongoing renovations being done to the barn.  

Mr. Jones then spoke to the group about his application.  The Jones property is the last remaining working dairy farm in Chichester.  The original part of the barn was built around 1860.  They have added a foundation and new flooring to be able to utilize some labor saving devices.  “They are trying to preserve a way of life.”  

Both applicants answered questions from the group.  Chairman Colbert expressed the board’s intent to tread cautiously, being careful to review all the pertinent information, realizing that once established these easements are binding for ten years.  The board has sixty days to act on the applications.  Chairman Colbert closed the public hearing at 7:40pm, thanking all present for their input.  The body relocated downstairs to the conference room to conclude the rest of the selectmen’s meeting.  

SUBJECT: Resident Comments

Mr. Twomey expressed his dissatisfaction of the handling of the Road Agent Resignation.  He went on to say Mr. Jordon was voted in by the people and it’s a shame for all the work and service he has done for the town to leave the position angry.  

Mr. Giuda added that if a resident is running around using town equipment or working on town roads they should be arrested.

Mr. Giuda also urged the board to find a qualified municipal attorney and start using them, to please keep in mind the question brought up at town meeting regarding usage of the BCEP Solid Waste Facility.  He asked that the board look in to the actual number of households in Chichester, still using the BCEP facility, to look into the possibility of renegotiating the contract, and look at what the cost would be for an alternative, such as curb side pick-up.  

Brandon’s final comment for the evening concerned the salary figure for the town clerk.  He asked if the board had an accurate figure.  The board replied that what was posted in March was an accurate figure.  Brandon asked that the board take a serious look at how the town clerk gets paid, fees versus a straight salary and to canvas other towns’ for their information.  

Shari Demers liked the fact that the Board of Selectmen is asking for more accountability from all departments.  

SUBJECT: SEA Consultants – Informational -Bridge Aid

PRESENT: Shari Demers and Gloria Andrews

SEA specializes in consulting and engineering services for municipal bridges.  Shari gave the board an update on the Webster Mills Bridge Project as far as where it was on the list for funding.  The board needs to move on to the next step in order to move up on the list.  Both Shari and Gloria are willing to donate the cost of completing an estimate for repairing the bridge.  Their concern is for Chichester not to lose out on funding.  

Gloria also informed the board of a new committee in town participating in the statewide Citizens Voice Project.  The Chichester Citizens Voice Steering Committee will be holding a public forum on Wednesday September 17, 2003 at the Chichester Central School at 6:30-8:30pm.  She asked that the Board of Selectmen not schedule any meetings that evening, and in fact hopes they will all attend the public forum.   

SUBJECT: Marden-Impact Fee Refund

PRESENT: Linwood & Debbie Marden

The Mardens requested a refund for their Impact Fee paid in 2001.  They will not be building.  The permit has expired.  Motion Selectman DeBold and seconded by Selectman Arey to refund the impact fee to the Mardens because no building took place, conditional on confirmation of payment to the selectmen’s office..  All were in favor.


The upgrade of Lovers Lane was discussed.  Mr. Drew has upgraded 300 ft. beyond his driveway.  The road is a class V approved road up to his driveway and then becomes a class VI road.  The board agreed to look at the upgrade and to have the new road agent and the town engineer look at it as well.  If all parties were in satisfied it meet the standards voted upon by the town, then the board would support a warrant article for town meeting accepting that portion that has been upgraded.  Selectman Arey strongly recommends the town approve the road at town meeting.  

The board reviewed a request from Office Assistant, Heather Briggs, for an additional two hours of work.  Her request is for working on the Web Site.  The board reviewed a report on usage to the site and e-mails received.  Chairman Colbert went on record to say what an incredible job Heather has done upgrading the site and for bringing the use to the boards attention.  They were amazed by the volume.

 The board wants all correspondence and internet use to be done in the office only.  They denied Heathers’ request for additional time and signed her letter accordingly.  Motion Spook and seconded by Richard to have email accessed from the server only.  All were in favor.  The intent is for all correspondence to be reviewed by the selectmen first and replied to as directed by them or the Administrative Assistant.   

The board forwarded the memo from the building inspector to the planning board for their review.

The board reviewed mail and correspondence.  

Being no further business, Chairman Colbert adjourned the meeting at 11:15pm.  

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant
Chairman David Colbert

Approved As Corrected
_____________________________                           6/10/03
Richard DeBold

Harold Arey

Page three of three, May 27, 2003